Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sharing the Love of Christ on the side roads of America

 SpotLight of the week: Meet Tiffany aka  (mommyof3yippey@ cafemom site.) She is are spotlight of the week as she shares the love of Christ with passing cars on the side of the road. I admire her willingness and desire to spread  the Love of God to all who pass her by with a smile on her face . Tiffany stands in the hot summer weather  with her family as she  spreads the Good News that Jesus still saves. This is what Tiffany has to say about that Day....

So the Fair went great! We held up signs proclaiming the gospel...which simply means: Jesus died for you, and he loves you... I don't understand why 90% of all "Christians" still have it wrong...religion is NO way to get to know our Lord! ok..I better not get started on that! Jesus came to wipe out "religion"...he no longer wanted us FOCUSING on acts to "try" and be clean before God... instead of us having to kill our best lamb and make a sacrifice...he was our eternal Lamb...he is GOD! He is not a "prophet" or a "man"...he is GOD whom put HIS spirit in Jesus...Jesus is Lord. ok..... sorry it gets me excited to think about!

When I was holding up a sign HUNDREDS of people were honking and waving and very happy about what we were doing...but a few people thought they would be "cool" and scream that we are going to hell and a few other flipped us I was trying to give people the message that there is many now days feel hopeless....and here is hope...I sort of got a bit upset when they gave me death glares for trying to share it humbled me because the people GREATLY hated and rejected Jesus...he only showed love and compassion and he was given ridicule, slander and insanely Gorey death...and he did this for us...the ones who wanted him dead! Wow..that is love that our minds will NEVER EVER be able to comprehend!

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