Friday, March 25, 2011

Blender Syndrome

Have you ever started craving a specif food that you have seen off of a commercial? well this is exactly what happen to me awhile back. After being torture with tempting commercials which showed a delicious, ice cold smoothie with water dripping off the side of the glass;and fresh strawberries and bananas looking so ever ripe and delicious calling out to me through my Television to purchase an overpriced smoothie. I decided it would be more fitting to my budget to make my own.Starting with milk then vanilla yogurt, fresh frozen strawberries and fresh frozen bananas. I combine all these ingredients into the blender and BAM! I had a Smoothie.As I had Watched these ingredients being blended together, I heard God speak to my spirit of Christians in the world who hang around those who are unbelievers and even have those who don`t believe in Christ as a best friend. How the mixing with nonbelievers can corrupt those who are Christians.In the bible 2 Corinthians states and I quote from The NKJV"2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?". Their are some Christians who always try this excuse well Jesus ate with sinners, Yes he ate with them with the purpose of ministering to them for Christ closes friendship was with his disciples in who he prayed for. Now we are Called to bring the gospel to the Lost ,but are friendship should not be with the world but be with those who can lift us up and encourage are walk in the world. The unsaved can bring doubt and unbelief in our pathway to lead us astray. Note this verse"James 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." I don`t care how strong a Christian you think are, entertaining sin is like playing with Fire. As I watched the ingredients blend together no longer could I tell what was Yogurt, milk, strawberries, or bananas, It was all blended together . This is what happens to Christians who stay around sinners, they slowly become like the world, once loving the things of God and now compromising. Do as the bible tells us and that is to choose your friendship wisely for the wicked will lead you astray."Proverbs 12:26The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray." Now don`t misunderstand what I am saying, for I am NOT saying we should treat nonchristians BADLY! No, if you are thinking this is the message you have misunderstood. I am saying as Christians we must guard our hearts against those who feel that our belief is a Lie, foolishness, and want nothing to do with Christianity. We are still to be KIND, LOVING, and FRIENDLY. We ought to do what the word of God tells us and choose our friends wisely, those who will encourage, uplift and understand our faith in Christ Jesus and not mock us.

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