Friday, May 27, 2011

One Christian Man Fight against Sex Trafficking

In April of 2010, Timothy Bledsoe became aware of a social issue called Human Trafficking. Human Trafficking is a Social Issue, which violates the basic human rights of 30 million people from 127 different countries around world.
It all started over the  signing of the Arizona's Immigration Law (S.B. 1070).Mr. Bledsoe  became informed and educated before forming any personal opinion about Human Trafficking. He researched the bill online to make his own informed view on the matter at hand.
It was while reading Sec. 4. Section 13-2319 Smuggling; classification; definitions, that His eyes was opened to Human Trafficking in America .Later Mr. Bledsoe through his research  would discover the issue of Domestic Minor Sexual Exploitation of children and teenage girls born in America.
Daily Mr. Bledsoe would commit to a couple of hours of research on the internet to become better informed and educated on the subject of Human Trafficking. The more He learned, the more His heart continued to break for the victims of this horrible crime. He read about their personal accounts and watches videos clip as they courageously told their stories about exploitation.
Many different emotions started to rise up in Mr. Bledsoe; he could feel the heartache and pain of the victims who had suffered greatly from being sold into sexual slavery. .Mr Bledsoe became angry which caused him to reach down deep inside himself and want to make a positive difference in the lives of these innocent victims.
The raw emotion of injustice boiled inside of Mr. Bledsoe. He thought how he could help the victims of Human Trafficking. For days, this question kept coming to His mind as He watched television hoping to see some local news station cover a story on Human Trafficking. Hoping to see some television show solely committed to telling the stories of these victims. Mr. Bledsoe Looked for anything that would raise awareness, and given hope to those victims still held captive in the nightmare of Human Trafficking. 
Then one morning as Mr. Bledsoe was spending time in prayer ,these words came to His mind: “"What do you have in your hands? “What talents or gifts can you used to help the victims of Human Trafficking?"
Mr. Bledsoe remembered, He had worked years ago in broadcast television .He would then  sit down  and write out a script for a syndicated television series ,to raise awareness of commercialized sexual exploitation ;Telling the stories of the victims, and survivors. He would educate the public on the realities of the crime of Human Trafficking. Mr. Bledsoe wanted to give a voice to the victims, survivors, families and organizations that work every year to prevent, rescue and restore the lives of the victims of Sex Trafficking.
This is how the vision started for Mr. Bledsoe to creative a concept for the television show 'Sex Trafficking Teenage Girls an American Nightmare: Television Series... 
Mr. Bledsoe wanted to give the victims, families and advocates a voice. He wanted to tell their stories in hopes to PREVENT, RESCUE AND RESTORE, so that no girl has to suffer from this nightmare forced on her ever again.
In April of 2010, Timothy founded Silverstone Television in Louisville Kentucky for the soul purposes of telling the stories of the victims of commercialize sex trafficking in America. 
Timothy is actively pursuing production companies and national networks, which see the concept of the television show as a current social issue in America. Along with a television concept that is extremely marketable to their advertisers, the networks will also be able to reach their targeted demographic markets. With a message so deeply heart stirring.  They will be able to targeted young teenage girls and women, which are mothers and parents in general, to the national syndicated market within the United States.
Timothy Bledsoe worked at WBNA TV-21 and Word Management Inc, a local television station in the Louisville, Kentucky from 1993 to 2000. Mr. Bledsoe started in the Master Control Department and worked his way up the company to Administrative Coordinator. He also held other positions, which included Production Assistant (Camera Operator, Floor Manger and Video Editor), Traffic Manager, Research Director and Account Executive (Infomercial Sales).
In the summer of 1989 and 1990, Mr. Bledsoe worked with Operation Mobilization (OM) an interdenominational missionary organization for their campaign “Love Europe”. Where over 7000 teenagers and young adult from 76 different nations joined to reach out to those in Eastern Europe, in what is called ‘Friendship Evangelization’. 
During that time with Operation Mobilization Mr. Bledsoe was the bass guitarist for a Christian band called “Love Europe Band” which traveled in the countries of Austria and Yugoslavia playing at refugee camps. Also during the time with Operation Mobilization He was in Belgium in a supportive role as an audio engineer for missionary conferences; And in Amsterdam Holland, He worked on their mission ship called the Logos II. 
 It was in Amsterdam Holland where Mr. Bledsoe meets advocates against Human Trafficking. These Advocates worked for the international mission organization called,’ Youth with a Mission’. The work was founded by Floyd McClung in 1978 when Mr. McClung moved from Long Beach California to Amsterdam Holland with his family and established 'The Lighthouse' in front of the 'Red Light District' to help the victims escape from being sexually exploited by the brothels and pimps. 
From 1986 to 1989, Mr. Bledsoe worked as a volunteer at a coffee shop named the “Fire Escape” which worked with the homeless and had an outreach programs for young adults in Virginia Beach.
       Evangelist - Certificate of Ordination 2000 under Worldwide Ministries in Christ by Dr. Estill Maddox.

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