Saturday, April 10, 2010

Meet the Muslim..

The other day I went to the store and had a wonderful conversation with a woman I had met. We spoke about our children and husbands and just exchange a few Laughs. While speaking to her she told me she was from South African, and thinking maybe she attend the church I decided to I ask her what church she attended,  she reply back by saying that she was Muslim ( my thought Ohhhhhhhh). I told her I was Christian  And I am pretty sure she  probably thought the same thing ohhhhh! The conversation that we had together was one that was very peaceful, loving and Kind. When I found out that she was a Muslim it took me for a Shock because she was so very kind and smiled allot, sometimes without realizing we can playing into the stereotype of other religions, but we have to understand their are good and bad people in all other religions.  In speaking to her, I may not have agree with her religion choice and still believe that Jesus is the Only God! but  God reveal to me something that day that my  behavior towards her did not change in being kind to her even though I knew she  didn`t believe  what I believe . I understood what it meant to minister to a Muslin through my action, I believe the Love of Christ was planted in her heart that day as I was not my usually bible thumping  self,LOL.  If we want to win more Muslims or anyone over to Jesus We need to  Walk in Love at all times because by our love for one another will they see Jesus. I pray that she saw that in me and that it gave her a new insight on Christians. As you go out their into the world remember people are watching your behavior and even if someone does not  believe as we do, that does not mean we treat them badly! How will we they comes to know  Jesus as Lord if they don`t even see the Jesus in us ,who we say his spirit lives  within us. Ask God to give you a heart for his people and continue to walk in Love you may be the only Jesus someone sees.
Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

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